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The ISYS:web Query Results page is where the result of your query is displayed.

The default ISYS:web Query Results page has the following components:

Your query: "kramer or litigation" found 59 hits in 2 documents.

Hits 1 to 2 of 2:

At the bottom of the document list the Next 10 Hit link would look like this:

Next 10 Hits

Document List

The bulk of the page being made up of the Document List. The Document List is a table listing all the documents found as the result of your query: 

ISYS:web 6 search results Found 2 hits in 2 documents for excellent

Documents 1 to 2
1. You have an excellent application that promises to be a very useful utility for our organization
Native WinWord - 19K - 18-May-2001
1 hit(s) - 100%
2. Our most excellent application
Native PDF - 46K - 14-May-2001
1 hit(s) - 20%

The document list example above shows how the default Document List is formatted.

  1. Your browser will automatically display the document requested.
  2. Your browser will invoke a plug-in or helper application to allow you to view the document in it's native format, even if for example, you do not have WordPerfect installed on your system.
  3. You browser will ask you what you want to do with the file, in which case you can elect to save the file to your local Hard Disk or to open the file into an application.

Query Within Current Results

Some ISYS:web Administrators may add and option to allow you to narrow down your search results by making a query within the current query's results.

Search within results:

To query within current or previous results:

See Also:

Menu-Assisted Query


Plain English Query

ISYS:web Browse Page

Horizontal Rule Bar
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