Command Based Query


Command-Based query displays a text entry box in which you enter the words or phrases that you wish to locate combined with search operators. This query tool is most useful to those who a grasped an understanding of the ISYS:web query syntax.

  1. Choose the Command-Based Query button or link

Simple Query

To make a simple Command-Based query:

  1. Type the word or phrase you want to find into the space provided.
  2. Choose the OK button or press Enter.

You can enter a single word or a phrase. You may use either upper or lower case characters since ISYS:web is not case sensitive.

You can also use wildcards, word tense conflation and synonym expansion in your query.

After executing your query, the ISYS:web Query Response page displays the matching documents. You can then browse the documents or display the hits in context.

The words that appear in the hit list may not exactly match the information your typed. ISYS:web Results will vary if Fuzzy Precompensation, synonym expansion, or word tense conflation are used. Common words will be identified as "common" in the hit list.

Compound Queries

To build a compound query, separate your words or phrases with an ISYS:web operator.

  1. Type the first word or phrase you want to find.
  2. Type the operator you wish to use (And, Or, etc.).
  3. Type in the second word or phrase.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all of the words, phrases and operators you wish to use.
  5. Choose the OK button or press Enter to execute the search.

Do not surround the operator with quotes or slashes. For example, just type YELLOW AND GREEN.

You can use up to 16 operators in one query.

Editing Previous Queries

Use your browser’s back button until you have returned to the Command Based Query page.

See Also:

Menu-Assisted Query

Command-Based Operator Reference

Additional Query Features


Command-Based Operator Reference

The following is a list of the operators you can use in your Command-Based queries.


  • Locates documents which contain both of the entered words or phrases.
    E.g. record AND sales
  • OR

  • Locates documents which contain any one of the entered words or phrases.
    E.g. team leader OR supervisor
  • NOT

  • Locates documents which contain the first word or phrase, but not the second.
    E.g. record NOT expense
  • XOR

  • Locates documents which contain either the first word or phrase, or the second, but not both.
    E.g. network XOR performance

  • Locates documents in which the first word or phrase appears, but only if the second word or phrase is not in the same paragraph as the first.
    E.g. performance EXCEPT speed
  • . . .

  • Locates documents where the first word or phrase is followed anywhere by the second. Both words or phrases may occur more than once, but the second one must occur after the first.
    E.g. legal brief ... Kramer vs Kramer
  • . .

  • Locates documents where the first word or phrase is followed by the second word or phrase. The words or phrases will be in pairs.
    E.g. legal brief .. Kramer vs Kramer
  • \x,y\

  • Locates documents where both words or phrases occur within the specified number of paragraphs of each other. X and y represent the minimum and maximum separation respectively. Use the form \\ to specify "within a paragraph of". You can also specify negative values.
    E.g. expense account \\ executive
  • /x,y/ or W/n

  • Locates documents where both words or phrases appear in the same paragraph, within the number of words specified by x and y, or n. X and y represent the minimum and maximum separation respectively. Use the form // to specify "in the same paragraph". You can also specify negative values.
    E.g. section twelve // ruling
  • IN

  • Locates documents which contain the first word or phrase in a paragraph that starts with, or is labelled, with the second word or phrase.
    E.g. horror IN genre:

  • Locates documents where the first word occurs anywhere in a paragraph that starts with, or is labelled with, the second word.
    E.g. LABEL Opportunities for investment

    A paragraph label must not begin with a common word.
  • TO

  • Specifies an alphabetic, date or numeric range.
    E.g. A123 TO A456
    will find "A123, A124, A125"...and so on to "A456".

  • Locates documents which contain a date after that specified. It is used in conjunction with the Intelligent Date Handling index configuration option. Check with your ISYS:web Administrator if you are unsure as to whether this option is valid for your index.
    E.g. AFTER Jan 1 1994 or AFTER 20/9/94

  • Locates documents which contain a date before that specified. It is used in conjunction with the Intelligent Date Handling index configuration option. Check with your ISYS:web Administrator if you are unsure as to whether this option is valid for your index.
    E.g. BEFORE 25 Dec 1994 or BEFORE November 23, 1994
  • See Also:

    Menu-Assisted Operator Reference

    Additional Query Features

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